Developed Desktop Flv Player With Playlist Options and Installer
[dropcap1]I[/dropcap1]developed this player and it has many options the user can set. You can set the player to resize to the default video width and height or stay at a set width and height that you can also set.
- Plays .flv and .mpm files, supports flv files from all converters and encoders.
- Drag and drop single or multiple .flv (flash video) and .mpm (mpm playlist) files.
- Save and open playlist files to anywhere on your computer to share or open later.
- Runs on Windows 98/ME/2000, Win XP, Win Vista and Windows 7.
- Fullscreen support (2x button, top right).
Programs and Technologies Used:
- Flash
- Actionscript
- Photoshop
- Dreamweaver
- Illustrator